
sfall is a set of engine modifications for the classic game Fallout 2 in the form of a DLL, which modifies executable in memory without changing anything in EXE file itself.

Engine modifications include:

  • Better support for modern operating systems
  • Externalizing many settings like starting map and game time, skills, perks, critical hit tables, books, etc.
  • Bug fixes
  • Many additional features for users, such as item highlight button, party member control, etc.
  • Extended scripting capabilities for modders (many new opcodes to control sfall features as well as previously unavailable vanilla engine functions)

Note that this is documentation for sfall specifically, not Fallout scripting in general. For vanilla function reference, refer to the wiki.

Getting started

To get started with sfall, first familiarize yourself with new concepts:

Pay special attention to the best practices page. Also, take a look at SSLC features and optimization guide.

Next, proceed to discover new functions. They are categorized, use the menu to find the one you need. If you can’t, check uncategorized functions list and sfall macros. Also, there’s search at the top of the page.

Questions and problems

  • Report bugs and suggest features on Github.
  • Ask questions and discuss on the forum.